Latest Edu-Reads

Bellwether has a new website aiming to help district leaders, board members, and other school system leaders learn about what school performance frameworks are and the purposes they serve. It also highlights lessons from five cities that have implemented performance frameworks over multiple years.

Lauren Schwartze writes that, “recent research on the science of learning indicates that these two approaches (grade-level rigor and tailoring education for individual student needs) aren’t mutually exclusive. In fact, they’re both necessary and reinforcing qualities of effective learning experiences.”

Marty Lueken shares some bad news on Connecticut teacher pensions: “Across Connecticut, the teacher pension system is not working for teachers, taxpayers or children. And it has the potential to fail current and future retirees if it is not equitably and carefully reformed – soon.”

Marguerite Roza on an under-appreciated aspect of the Chicago teachers strike. Namely, the teachers union wants to take away a policy adopted six years ago that gave school principals some autonomy over their budgets and, instead, move toward more centralized staffing decisions.

–Guest post by Chad Aldeman