Friday Fish Porn

In the spirit of the summer, let’s get to some fish pics! Suzanne Tachney leads PIE Network, a coalition of state education advocacy organizations.  She’s a former state board of education member in California among other education roles.  And her son is a fisherman and interested in education. He’s finishing an MBA at Berkley and …

Friday Fish Porn

With summer winding down fewer fish pics, but here are few recent ones.  First, Whiteboard’s Ben Wallerstein near Yellowstone: And here is Marguerite Roza’s husband (clothed this time) and one of her daughters on the Methow River: Consultant Christina Culver in Idaho: Want dozens of pictures of education types with fish? Just click here.

Friday Fish Porn

Here’s David Saba – 0f the National Math and Science Initiative – with a Bahamas’ bonefish.  NMSI runs a few programs – including UTeach, an interesting teacher prep model.  This is Saba’s second appearance in Friday Fish porn, he visited with a cold water fish in 2008.  Don’t know what Friday Fish Porn is, or …