Who Stole The Stoles? The King Family Is All Over This Blog Post, EvalPalooza! Kane On Vergara, O’Keefe On Girls, Drucker On Gates, SFC Plays Big, So Do High School Hedge Funders, Reservation Schools, Pensions, Blockchains…And Pho!

It’s June 7. On this date in 1982 Priscilla Presley opened Graceland up to the public.  Elvis offers a lot of lessons, here’s one we might reflect on. Mayoral control is good for me but not for thee! That seems to be the ethos in New York. Today in why we can’t have nice things: Kevin …

Friday Fish Porn

In the spirit of the summer, let’s get to some fish pics! Suzanne Tachney leads PIE Network, a coalition of state education advocacy organizations.  She’s a former state board of education member in California among other education roles.  And her son is a fisherman and interested in education. He’s finishing an MBA at Berkley and …

Back In The Saddle

Big thanks to J.B. Schramm for stepping in while I was away. College-going and grad rates seems to have been something of a theme last week along with some other issues: Six Degrees of Kevin Carey. In The Los Angeles Times Kevin Carey and Lindsey Luebchow write about graduation rates for athletes and the NCAA …

The latest episode of the Why Public Service podcast is up. My guest is @arotherham who discusses how he got into education policy.https://t.co/RpuYhjEKNK @RSI — Kevin R Kosar (@kevinrkosar) October 21, 2020