All The News…

First, caste-breaker and former member of Congress (and House Ed and Labor chair) Gus Hawkins passed away this week, services tomorrow, 9am viewing & 11am funeral services at the Lutheran Church of the Reformation, 212 East Capital St., Washington DC 20003, 202-543-4200. WestEd’s Max McConkey is the new chair of the Knowledge Alliance. And, per …

Halloween Scares!

Art Levine and Jay Mathews both scare teacher preparation programs in the Boston Globe and WaPo respectively. If you can’t get hired to do PR for the ed schools today, find another job. The possibility of attention to teacher pensions has the AFTies scared so they’re launching a preemptive war on pension reform…it’s an issue …

Dollars…And Sense?

Here is an eduissue to keep an eye on: While the rest of the economy is shifting — for better or worse — from defined-benefit retirement plans to defined-contribution ones, education stays mostly wed to traditional pensions. It’s not good for teachers because it lessens their mobility and financial control and as some forthcoming research …

Achievement Gap Trio

In today’s newspapers, but hardly news. Hey, it’s August, cut those reporters some slack! The Washington Post finds Special-Ed Racial Imbalance Spurs Sanctions in Maryland. “The Anne Arundel school system is 21 percent black. But in that system, blacks make up 43 percent of students who are considered mentally retarded, 36 percent of the special-ed …