On Boxing And Shortages…TJ Lawsuit & Scarce Schools, The Polls Are Bad For Dems, Good For Consensus…Judge Jackson & Edu…

Kojo Nnamdi is back on the air for a bit at Washington’s 88.5, I’ll be on with him discussing ed politics tomorrow at 3pm ET. Light posting lately. Too much work, and laissez les bons temps rouler. Except not in Ukraine. There are plenty of takes about how the Ukraine war actually reflects or refracts …

Odds & Ends – Multiple Culture Wars Explained, Bellwether Is Hiring, Your Next Classroom Might Be An Office? More…

More NAEP takes are coming this week. We heard from Morgan Polikoff, Marguerite Roza, and Sandy Kress. This week Ed Trust CEO Denise Forte. Bellwether is hiring. We’re hiring for a host of roles, join our 70 person – and growing – team. All the things you’re supposed to say are actually true – flexible work environment, …

Virginia Votes – Is The Ed Issue Fatal For Dems This Cycle? How To Fix That…

If we’re being honest, the most charitable explanation for the handling of a sexual assault by the Loudoun County Public School’s leadership is incompetence. It’s downhill from there. Even if they were under legal constraints relative to placing the accused student in an alternative setting their public communications have been dishonest, and officials clearly did …

Kaepernick And RBG Might Offer A Lesson For “CRT?”

Julia Galef has a great book recently out called The Scout Mindset. The world needs scouts and soldiers but Galef argues the scout approach has unique value. I’d say that’s especially true in a sprawling sector like education. Oversimplifying a bit, scouts seek to see things as they are and have habits around seeking dissenting …

When The Narrative Doesn’t Fit: Trump And Education Reform Or CIA Dogs And Discipline, Internships, Karim Ani On OER And Bryce Harper, Magee, Kingsland, Chalking News, Bears And Unicorns

At U.S. News I take a look at internships, should they all be paid in all sectors of the economy? Interesting! New Mexico calling out AFT on PARCC ties.* (This does seem like the kind of story the financial press would have a field day with.) Karim Kai Ani is writing letters to friends on various …

Vibes And Narratives Are No Way To Go Through Ed Policy Son…Plus Fish!

This is a long one. Buckle up. But there is fish at the end. Coming attractions: Look for a LinkedIn live on Monday with Andy Jacobs, Christine Pitts, and me discussing the strike in Portland. Like other strikes lately remarkably little attention in the media. Andy and Christine are both education experts, and also Portland …

Closure? And What Are Schools For Anyway? Chicago Still Matters…More Edumusic

As I mentioned in December I don’t have a big take on the whole “should schools stay open?” debate. That’s because it seems situational to me and there are a whole bunch of secondary questions like what’s the local context with regard to Covid and other things, for whom should they be open, how, etc…* …

What Drove Education Voters In Virginia? Plus Goldstein Goes Wild, Texeria, Jacobin, Hess, More…

This Michael Goldstein essay on evidence and education is excellent. Recommend. Also, what teachers are saying about teacher pay. Here’s a reasonable take on the CRT in schools debate: To be sure, voices on the political right, including Youngkin, must do better when it comes to specifying what they oppose. They, and we, would be better …