Growth Industry

Surprise! Ed Week’s Olson tells us in this week’s issue that lots of states want the chance ($) to participate in the “growth model” accountability experiment that U.S. Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings wants to have. Wow, didn’t see that coming…a chance to lower-standards for your low-performing schools and put off the day of reckoning …

New Perspective! Don’t Let The Plight Of Students Blind You To The Real Victims In The Ed Story!

Maybe we’ve been looking at this whole No Child Left Behind and accountability thing from the wrong angle?  In Nevada, for instance, the high school graduation rate is 56 percent according to federal data.  On the National Assessment of Educational Progress just 17 percent of low-income students are proficient or higher in reading by in …

Odds & Ends: Postcards From The Edge, Plus Edujunkets and Hess V. Biddle

Yoo hoo…When you’re attacking Pedro Nogeura for being too pro-charter school you’ve lost the argument. Washington Redskins play the St. Louis Rams on Sunday, perfect time to link this TIME interview with Rams defensive coach and former teacher Brandon Daly. Check out the Administration’s new teacher prep reform package here (pdf). In a deviation from …


Charlie Barone takes a look at some of the trade-offs, choices, and risks inherent with growth models in a new ES paper. 


A lot of people noticed Michael Gerson’s NCLB riff on Friday but today Senator Kennedy turns-in the must-read op-ed in The Post that basically sums up where things stand on No Child Left Behind. He’s trying to get out in front because the President and Secretary Spellings are going to be on this issue during …