Friday Fish Porn: Herdman’s Hogs

Today’s Friday Fish Porn is an extra special one. Years ago Paul Herdman and I were spending a lot of time in Colorado for a work project. Among my bad habits was slipping off to fish a nearby river whenever there was a break of any length because it held some large and hard fighting brown trout if you knew where to look.* Paul, who is savvy enough to recognize the obvious appeal of any addictive substance like that, decided to try it. One fall he stuck around after a meeting to join a few  friends of mine I fished with out there annually to hit a river full of trout gorging themselves on silly hatches of bugs.**

He caught a fish.

Now he’s a regular guest here. And slays them (metaphorically of course, he’s a catch and release type). In Colorado last week he got out for a few days near Vail. Beauties. Paul is one of the kindest and most committed people you’ll find in education. Deep understanding that one size does not fit all but quality must be a constant, and an appreciation of and background in experiential learning. The work he’s shepherded in Delaware would command more attention were it from a larger state.

If you’re new around here you might be like, ‘Friday fish what?’ In this archive you will find hundreds of pictures of education types with fish. Send me yours.

*Another high quality degenerate in the same way is Cami Anderson’s husband Jared Robinson who is always up for a dash to a river during break time and is a fine fly fisherman. If you’re in the market for a DEI consultant with an experiential bent who won’t give you the same template as everyone else, recommend.

**Prior to that he and his daughter slipped out with me one afternoon to a little mountain river where the fishing was super slow but the scenery lovely. At one point his daughter walked in my backcast and got one in her shoulder. The only meaningful thing we hooked into all afternoon. We all had an experiential lesson on popping out a hook, which is absolutely no fun for the popper or poppee when a kid is involved. But barbless hooks, this is the way.