Lori Lightfoot talks with the Times about Chicago reopening lessons. And San Francisco School Board Chair Gabriela López talks about why they are renaming schools there.
NCTQ on teacher preparation programs – selection and diversity:
Unfortunately, diversity and academic aptitude, both important, are often seen as conflicting goals. In contrast to that line of thought, a 2017 report from the Center for American Progress found states that increased admissions standards to teacher preparation programs saw increased diversity of undergraduate education majors. Beyond expanding diversity, greater selectivity helps raise the status of the teaching profession, supports the push for higher salaries, and, most importantly, provides students with access to the highest quality teachers.
Research shows an increase in admissions standards for teacher preparation programs was consistent with an increase in the racial diversity of undergraduate education majors.
In a unique undertaking, this study examines this important intersection between programs’ admissions standards with their goals to achieve greater diversity and highlights programs that have successfully achieved both.
Uncommon Schools has a new blog, check it out.
Eduwonk and operator Sarah Silverman has co-launched a new firm, Outside Angle, focusing on organizational change, leadership, and DEI. Learn more.