Greg Farrell

Greg Farrell, who founded what’s now EL Education and led the Fund for the City of New York among a variety of other roles in a packed and well lived life passed away earlier this week. He also worked for Outward Bound and founded NYC Outward Bound.

Here’s a remembrance from David Coleman.

And here’s Greg in his own words. He was as lively and interesting as you’d expect from reading that.

I didn’t know him well but was glad to cross paths and spend time outdoors with him. I first met him on the patio of some brewery in Colorado for dinner and he led off with some heavy questions – good questions. I was hooked. Later, when I found out he’d met Kurt Hahn, even more so.

One tribute going around says that he “left behind a coterie of Greg Farrell acolytes.” Seems spot on. He was generous and left an impression.

Update: Here’s Paul Herdman’s remembrance with a link to an additional one cited above.