Edu-Reads and ? FISH PICS! ?

The California charter bill has become more reasonable with Governor Newsom’s intervention. There’s a huge swath of middle ground upon which both the CTA and CCSA can plant their victory flags. Let’s hope they find it. (Sidenote: The bill amendments replaces gendered pronouns with gender-neutral ones ?.)

Newark Public Schools used to look a lot like Providence Public Schools today. Alex Spurrier takes us down I-95 to some lessons for Little Rhody’s big problem.

Camden has a long way to go, but a new Stanford CREDO study shows progress primarily among their charter and Renaissance Schools. You can read about the strategy that sparked their improvement here. Check out all of CREDO’s city studies here.

New Orleans achievement has stalled/dipped.

EdBuild is closing its doors but not giving up the fight for equitable education funding. Few organizations have successfully made such complex issues comprehensible.


Little Bankert, five-year-old daughter of Bellwether’s own Lina Bankert hauled in a massive lake trout from Lake Michigan near Saugatuck, Michigan! It was her first time fishing!!

Our fish don’t stack up, but here’s yours truly and my father-in-law Xavier Gaudard with our trophies pulled from Lake Charlevoix, Michigan this morning. It was not our first time fishing. Maybe Little Bankert can show us how it’s done.

– Guest post by Jason Weeby