Video Games, Student Mobility, Learning Styles, Field Trips, Tree News, More!

We recently built a video game at Bellwether. Here’s a look behind the scenes at how we did that.

President Trump writes today in USA Today that:

The truth is that the centrist Democratic Party is dead. The new Democrats are radical socialists who want to model America’s economy after Venezuela.

What’s going to make the country economically like Venezuela – and a lot of other countries around the world – is a vanishing middle class, stagnant social mobility, and a secessionist upper class that lives walled off, literally, from its fellow citizens. A key piece of that puzzle, though not the only one, is schools and how educational opportunity is distributed.

I’m biased, but this 74 look at San Antonio is terrific. And so is this deep dive on student mobility by Erin Richards of the MJS.

Ted Kolderie with some ideas to get the education world unstuck and focused on progress.

Here’s a round up of state tax code changes in response to the tax bill’s change to 529s and private schools. Flashback here.

Chad Aldeman pines for stories like this.

This is an interesting argument: More spatial reasoning needed.

Willingham throws cold water on learning styles.

John White on education politics.

Good Jay Greene interview.

What’s going on with homework?

Around here we used to talk about the education love that couldn’t speak its name in Dem circles. Was reminded of that when reading this, it makes me like Beto O’Rourke more but I suspect it may make some of education’s anti-charter jihadis like him less. By the way, this ad against O’Rourke’s opponent is hilarious.

Did you know that Mathematica is employee owned? Good reminder that ownership and operating structures are often more interesting than just whether they’re for profit or not for profit.

Here’s more and yet more on the Sokal redux episode.

Have You Ever Seen The Rain?

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