Health Care Costs, Civic Education, McKee Wins, Boser Learns, California Dreamin’, Widespread, More!

Last night we released “Rigged” a new game from Bellwether.

Chad Aldeman takes a look at teacher retirement benefits and health care.

Phil Burgoyne-Allen on civics education and why it’s about both content and engagement.

Rhode Island’s Dan McKee, a champion of charter schools and education innovation, survives a primary challenge.

I suspect Mike Petrilli and I have a different take on where to set the bar for standards from a standpoint of equity and giving kids real choices about their lives. But, this essay is a thoughtful way to think about that question.

This California project is worth checking out for its implications there but also more generally as a great approach to thinking about complicated problems in other states.

Dale Chu asks what it will take to improve education in America – bonus goat rodeo reference.

Ulrich Boser’s* TEDx talk on learning.

Widespread Panic “Hard Rain”

*BW client.