New Orleans, Pre-K, Charter Schools, This Field Can Fight About Anything! Plus Howard Fuller, Kate Walsh, And Chad Aldeman’s Parallel Universe. Bonus Mom Voice…

Chad Aldeman thought exercise on teacher pay and pensions. Jason Weeby on dynamism and schools.

Howard Fuller in his own words via The 74.

New Orleans still has a long way to go on schools but there is some good news that often gets lost in the strident debate. Times here. New study here.

School is hard.

Is there anything more fun than a pre-k fade out debate? We’re going to have one.

Interesting analysis on low-income students, and middle income ones, and college participation.

Urban on diversity and teacher prep programs.

Kate Walsh on the post-Janus landscape. 

Peter Cunningham has some go-forward education ideas, too. 

Guys, you are not going to believe this...the Waltons spend a lot on charter schools. Bill and Melinda Gates, too!* (Also, if these state charter groups are so powerful then why are charters constantly getting attacked in state legislatures and why do so many states have fake charter school laws to begin with?) It’s preposterous to argue charters have anything like the upper hand even given their growth (which has slowed since this deck was released). Also, by way of context, most charters don’t get philanthropy – it’s an 80-20 thing.

Trends in family income and private school participation.

There is some education legislating going on in Washington.

Paymon on the discipline debate. Related: Revisiting the pre-Trump discipline debate.

Mom voice.

*Obvious disclosure, Bellwether receives funding from the Walton Family Foundation and has received Gates funding and the Gates Foundation is currently a client. All Bellwether clients and funders are posted on our website.

One Reply to “New Orleans, Pre-K, Charter Schools, This Field Can Fight About Anything! Plus Howard Fuller, Kate Walsh, And Chad Aldeman’s Parallel Universe. Bonus Mom Voice…”

  1. Thank you for linking to the NY Times article about New Orleans. Education Week has published an analysis that corrects an apparent error in David Leonhardt’s reporting. Leonhardt writes, “The charters here educate almost all public-school students, so they can’t cherry pick.” Education Week, citing critics of the “charter takeover” in New Orleans, suggests otherwise:

    “Chief among [Barbara] Ferguson’s complaints is that the highest-performing charter schools screen and exclude students, a concern that other research from the Education Research Alliance has confirmed. In an effort to boost and maintain academic performance, at least a third of schools in the study did not report open seats, actively recruited high-achieving students, or encouraged poor-performing students to transfer, the alliance’s research has found.

    “Davida Finger, a law professor at the Loyola University College of Law in New Orleans, said she has seen first-hand evidence that segregation and inequity—white children filling seats in top-rated schools and the failing schools being filled with predominately black children—continue to plague schools in the city.”


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