Human Centered Design And Ed Policy, Pensions, Career Choices, Janus Defenses, More!

Here’s a new tool kit for human centered design in education from Bellwether. More about it from Jason Weeby via AOTH.

Gabrielle Gassmann on how a teacher can think about when to retire relative to their pension system.

Summer camp can be a great growth experience for kids.

Here’s a round up of Janus inoculation laws. Some of this will face trouble in the courts because of the Alito opinion in the case but if you’re a legislator with ties to the unions these are political freebies so look for more bills to come.

High stakes career choosing.

Open-letter on school discipline guidance.

Supreme Court nominee Kavanaugh and education.

Updated school shooting prevention guide from the Secret Service. Some good ideas but given education’s track record on implementation also some things that could go awry…

Marcus King Band.