When I started reading Elif Batuman’s recent New Yorker piece on Japan’s rental family business, I expected it to be fascinating. What I didn’t expect was that it would offer striking insights on the currentdebate over credentials and compensation for early childhood workers in the United States…
Bonnie O’Keefe on co-teaching models for ELL and DL students.
Do not miss this essay by UVA graduate student and soon-to-be teacher Sierra Leickert on first generation students:
…the first time I set foot on the UVA campus, I absolutely fell in love. I felt there was nowhere quite like it — from the research and extracurricular opportunities to the academic rigor, UVA had everything I was looking for. I moved into my first-year dorm excited about the four years to come but quickly found myself feeling isolated. My hallmates and new friends would speak of the groups from home who had matriculated with them at UVA, and of the flexibility in their schedules thanks to the credits they had already earned because of the opportunities at their high schools. The majority of them came from affluent backgrounds, with parents who had gone to college.
I, on the other hand, was all alone. There were two of us from my high school, and we were not prepared in the same way…
Related, this new Pell analysis out from Third Way.
Pension finance lurking behind some of the teacher pay debate. And Medicaid spending creating pressure in state budgets.
Teacher turnover may not be what you think – but still makes great headlines.
Ed Week founder Ron Wolk has passed.
Provocative Marc Tucker.
Buzzy Kettleman on Maryland education. The California state superintendent race is getting pricey. Also in California – a new sup’t in LA. And the Los Angeles fiscal situation is probably bleaker than you thought.
The nation’s first school shooting?
Do more demanding standards cut down on drinking?
This is a crazy story – summer worker stays, becomes high school phenom, age issues catch up with him.