New Early Ed Work From BW, Straight Talk On Arming Teachers, Janus Round Up, Wedge Politics, New NACSA, Ed Sector Music, And More!

Scroll down for a bunch of edujobs.

Sara Mead on why community colleges and early ed need each other. And Marnie Kaplan with a deep dive analysis of community colleges and the early ed workforce. Chad Aldeman with some tough medicine for Dems on teacher pensions.

And here’s a Bellwether – New America analysis on pre-k and bachelor’s degrees – what it will take to get past the rhetoric. More from Sara Mead on that here.

And Chad Aldeman with some retirement crisis context. 

If you have a healthy skepticism then perhaps you’re not persuaded by people who have never held or fired a gun (or can’t stand to look at them) telling you arming teachers is a bad idea. So instead, here is some straight talk about shooting at people from someone who has had to do it and why this arming teachers gambit makes no sense.


Here’s the wrap up from the courtroom today. NBC legal analysis here.

The fiscal argument in Janus. This argument is, of course, also why many on the left who are disgusted by the antics of the teachers unions are nonetheless concerned about the impact of Janus on school finance.

And here’s the argument that the law of unintended consequences means a win for Mark Janus might create consequences his advocates are not thinking about.

Here are all the various filings in Janus. And here is the transcript of today’s arguments.

Odds and Ends:

New NACSA report on authorizing points up some issues that might not be top of mind when you think of practice.

This is a hell of a video. “If you walk into our neighborhoods you see they are not full of wealthy families…the kids in our communities are the kids who need charters the most.”

Dreamers deferred by a SCOTUS action yesterday, so the March deadline really isn’t but they are still in limbo until Congress acts.

New Pahara Next Gen cohort announced.

Big school – Medicaid overlap, this AASA brief looks at that.

Margaret Spellings on the value of higher education.

Terry Ryan on rural charters.

The title of this report is “Is School Funding Fair?” I can save you some time, the answer is a hard no. It’s not. But there is more in here. For instance I’m struck how many people don’t know how unfair intrastate school finance is. For instance, 17 states provide less funding to high poverty districts (and then everyone runs around saying explicitly or implicitly that we really can’t expect poor kids to learn…).

Military wedge politics on school choice. And teachers union wedge politics on school choice.

In Texas the Mack Beggs wresting saga is wrapping up but is not over.

Listen to The Coals. (Jason Mandell of Larson Comms is in this band).

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