DeVos Makes Her Case, Stay Solvent San Diego! NAEP Debate, Plus Are Coding Boot Camps a Scam? Lockett On King, Eden On Discipline, Minnich Exits, And Denver Pops! More!

Chad Aldeman on San Diego school finance and pensions. Sara Mead with some context on New Jersey pre-k.

Shots! Keep an eye on Denver.

Betsy DeVos made her case to a friendly crowd this week. Insight into what she hopes to do and how she hopes to do it. DeVos has everyone so spun up people are missing interesting things playing out around the country, this Ed Next article looks at two affecting charter school finance.  And Max Eden wants DeVos to salt the earth on school discipline guidance letters. 

New EP fellowships – great opportunity and source of talent if you are an employer. Teach For America is hotly debated but again when you ask principals they say, yeah, sure.

Chris Minnich exit interview.  Scroll down for the JD to be the next ED at CCSSO.

“The Colony” is this show about a future when aliens take over California. Also, ACSA endorses Marshall Tuck for state sup’t in California. Endorsements often matter less than people think but this one is significant given the politics there and the rhetoric of the last campaign.

Are coding boot camps for miners a scam? A new lawsuit says yes.

Phyllis Lockett on a King connection and education. And this HVA video should make you feel good.

Bias in the school district hiring process?

Kvaal and Bridgeland on data and higher ed outcomes. People tend to overestimate what college costs – here’s an effort to change that.

Here’s an old fight bubbling up again. For years there was debate about the NAEP proficiency levels, how they were set and how they were used. It quieted down and NAEP is pretty widely regarded as a good barometer of the education landscape. But, a new report this week wants to start the debate back up again. NAGB responds here.

In more consequential assessment news, PARCC testing in New Jersey in the dock. And more questions being asked about SBAC.

Quality Counts 2018 is out.

Shawn Colvin and Allison Krauss.

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