Racial Bias And Teacher Expectations, Demographic Burden, McArdle On Choice, CAP On Choice, Fallon’s Marketplace Take, Minnich To NWEA, More!

Racial bias and teacher expectations.

Chris Minnich from CCSSO to NWEA. This is a big deal for both organizations.

This blog has discussed the demographic burden and how in most of the post-war period it’s been investments in young people but that is changing to the costs associated with caring for the elderly as our population changes. Here’s a local look at that in one suburban community. Along with the demand for greater performance and more customization and choice this seems to be one of the three big trends that will impact education going forward.

CAP with a pro-charter school piece. Now the other side can beat them up for a while.  Here’s an interesting take on school choice from Megan McArdle.

And here’s Pearson’s CEO on the education marketplace and Pearson’s position.

This looks like the beginning of confirmation of one of the two theories laid out in this 74 column. Enjoy the documentary.

Allman Brothers, “Into the Mystic.”

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