Katzman & Cohen Make You Think, Freeland Fisher Does, Too, And The Satanists Make You…Oppose Corporal Punishment…Low-Income & Higher Ed, Second That Emotion….More!

Hailly Korman does your reading for you and sums up the new National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges report.

John Katzman and Steve Cohen jointly call for economically-based affirmative action in the WSJ.

The lede of this one is worth pausing on:

We disagree in principle about affirmative action. One of us, a frequent fundraiser for Democratic candidates, believes that it’s better for colleges to have a diverse student body that more faithfully reflects the nation; and that we need to counterbalance the impact of poverty on education and opportunity, which often means giving special consideration to minority students. The other, a former Reagan staffer, believes consideration of race is intrinsically unfair and hinders race relations.

Regardless of whether you agree with Katzman or Cohen, ask yourself if you can make both of these arguments in a way that people who hold them would recognize? In other words with nuance and without caricature. Try it. And when is the last time you read an article deeply examining and advocating the view you disagree with? Can you name three prominent analysts associated with each position – even better multiracial and multiethnic figures on both sides? Try this same exercise with three hot-button education issues – say choice and testing, too. It’s PX90 for your mind.

Also, related, collaborative work on the steps universities can take to help low-income students graduate.

But it’s awfully hard to graduate them if they aren’t, you know, enrolled in the first place.

Jeanne Allen very wishy washy on “Backpack Full of Cash.”

People don’t like who Betsy DeVos talks with and where she spends her time.

The department did not name the Dark Overlord in its warning…

Julia Fisher Freeland:

This phenomenon helps explain what reformers often bemoan as a “status quo bias” that frustrates new ideas in education. Although that bias is often cast as a political problem, it is also, in fact, an organizational management problem.

The Satanists are fighting corporal punishment:

The Satanic Temple paid to place a billboard along Highway 281 in Three Rivers that reads, ” Our religion doesn’t believe in hitting children.” There are also images of a pentagram and a goat’s head, which the group usually employs in its displays.

Leaders of the group say the advertisement is directed at the Three Rivers Independent School District board, which voted in July to include a policy regarding corporal punishment. The vote was unanimous.

Phil Lesh & Friends with Nicki Bluhm and Robert Randolph: “Second That Emotion.”

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