Early Childhood, Feistritzer Profile, How Not To Argue, CTE, Wyckoff & Dee On DC, At The Movies, More!

Lee Foster with ideas for professionalizing the early childhood workforce.

Now and then you get a museum quality education article about what’s wrong with how we argue in this sector. By now and then I mean pretty much on the regular, and often thanks to the HuffPo. It turns out that President Obama’s election had a big, negative, effect on teen suicides. OK, actually the article doesn’t argue that, though it could, because it argues instead that Common Core caused the increase in suicides, which is a correlation/causation argument in the same ballpark.  The article also gloriously butchers what the Common Core does to the point you wonder if the author ever read the standards? Teen suicides are a serious issue, so this is sort of gross, too. But it’s also sadly illustrative.

This profile of Emily Feistritzer is overdue and a good look at what she’s up to right now. One of the more interesting people running around the education policy scene.

New Paharans!

Here’s a new Fox Searchlight film profiling students at the Baltimore Leadership School for Young Women.

Dee and Wyckoff on what’s happening on DC Impact. And NCTQ on Florida’s efforts to link compensation to performance.

Joyce Foundation’s* Jason Quiara on postsecondary and workforce linkages.

EdSurge on CTE. And CTE and adjudicated youth.

*BW Funder

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