Sara Mead with a great look at some history related to the school choice and segregation question. Last week I wrote about the – often abused by all sides – history of school choice in America.
This article on Colorado’s ESSA plan does a nice job showing that people can disagree about these state plans depending on what they prioritize most in terms of both substance and also level of granularity.
It’s not as hard to do a straightforward look at teacher shortages as you might think.
The crisis in education for native students. This article is a good reminder that most native students, more than 90 percent, are educated in traditional school districts rather than schools on reservations.
Here’s a look at high school reform featuring Chad Aldeman.
ClassDojo is further embedding itself in the daily work of teachers, it’s a smart strategy. There are a lot of tools out there and it seems that the ones that can successful pull off comprehensive, integrated and/or enterprise solutions will win in the end.
Mike Petrilli points out that education policy fights are still very much alive and philanthropy should stay the course:
Standards, assessments, and accountability systems are not set in stone. They are under relentless attack from traditional education groups and libertarians alike, and can only survive with the vigilance and political support of state-based reform organizations and their allies in the business and civil rights communities.
He also argues that
...for all the success we’ve seen in building better school-accountability systems, we’ve gotten almost completely rolled when it comes to holding students to meaningful standards.
There I dissent. The students are more or less they only people in the entire education system who face much accountability – if you define that as real consequences for failure. They don’t have lobbyists, infrastructure, or the ability to create a system with faux accountability but no real consequences. They bear the brunt of it in their lives.
“There I dissent. The students are or less the only people in the entire education system who face much accountability — if you define that as real consequences for failure. They don’t have the ability to create a system with faux accountability but no real consequences. They bear the brunt of it in their lives.”
Well noted, Mr. Rotherham. I dare say Mr. Petrilli would be the first to agree. We sure do see it proven here in Ohio.