Introducing TopSheet

What you get here at Eduwonk is articles, studies, and commentary that’s come across my desk and I found interesting for one reason or another. And I throw in content, context, and/or candid commentary. Also job postings on interesting education sector opportunities. Plus fish. It’s a model that’s proven inexplicably popular over the years. Eduwonk’s not systemic, comprehensive, or always tied to the top news of the day though.

For that you need a reliable curator and aggregator of the news and that’s why we’re launching TopSheet to offer the same kind of information curation and aggregation Emmeline Zhao and I did at RealClearEducation for three years. The team behind TopSheet is me, Emmeline, and the team at The 74. We’re doing it because people need a resource like this in their work,  and we want one, too. So it’s like Hair Club for Men – we’re not only the operators, we’re members!

TopSheet gives you the top news, important stuff you may have missed in the fray, and some of the big picture context driving education news. It’s non-partisan and non-ideological. Our avowed bias is toward answering the question, “what news do decisionmakers in this sector need to know is happening today?” Not what news and analysis do we like, or personally agree with, or what’s the most clicky nonsense going on. I encourage you to check it out and consider making the page and the newsletter a part of your morning routine. 

Learn more and sign up for the daily morning newsletter with Topsheet’s highlights right here. 

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