Adjudicated Youth, Equal Pay, Early Ed Pay, School Bus Drivers, ESSA, Campus Politics, Accountability AWOL, And More!

Hailly Korman on what a robust transition support system might look like for adjudicated students. Kirsten Schmitz says pay teachers more. Marnie Kaplan on equal pay and early childhood workers.

Jessie Woolley-Wilson (Bellwether board member) profiled in Times on her leadership style.

Matt Barnum looks at the legal action around schools.

The next big shortage: Bus drivers! Bellwether is actually hosting an event on school transportation in May.

C4C on ESSA opportunities.

Stanley McChrystal on why PBS matters.

William Deresiewicz of Excellent Sheep fame is back with an essay on political correctness in today’s discourse and its campus roots. Real political correctness, not the Trumpian distortion of it. Short version, illiberalism is a problem even among self-identifying liberals. The “moral majority” hijacked government entities, the illiberal left is taking colleges. Long version is worth reading.

Also, related, mugging on Vermont campus.

Questions about a common school leadership test.

Earlier this week I said Utah was the first ESA state, that’s a mistake, it was AZ.

Sandy Kress sees an accountability mirage.

Check out Sarah Shook and the Disarmers.

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