Kate Pennington on why you have to read below the headlines on teacher eval stories.
Rural communities are not monolithic on education either. Kelly Robson on that.
Pushback on criticism of the Trump transgender student policy. Here’s a new website tracking what former Obama education folks are up to. And via Brookings here’s Arne Duncan on inequality and education and the state of American life.
Ian Rowe continues to push on family issues at Fordham. Tax credit vouchers are messy. And just how much does money matter in education?
Congrats to the new Superintendent of the Year, Mathew Utterback, who hails from some really good fishing water.
One category in Smithsonian’s photo contest is the American experience. Great pictures including a sweet one of prom dinner.
McDonalds is mimicking Starbucks – one under-appreciated way is around internet access and how in many communities the restaurant is a hub for free wifi.
Is Siri making your kid a brat?
The Iditarod teacher training conference is going on.
So is a debate on charter schools. You can watch one installment after the jump below. Are they overrated? (Hit refresh if it doesn’t load)
This dog just wants to enjoy a nice day on the roof and these firefighters keep getting in the way.