Edujob: Founding CEO Blue School Partners

Here’s a great edujob in Denver. Founding CEO for Blue School Partners:

Recognizing both the urgency and the opportunity [in Denver], a group of local and national funders and community partners have come together to create Blue School Partners (BSP).  BSP will play three primary roles in the city:

  • Strategic Leader – BSP will coalesce partners in support of a vision and strategies to dramatically improve academic outcomes, and hold all of the stakeholders accountable for achieving those outcomes.  BSP’s independence will allow it to approach this task with urgency, long-term commitment and stability, and a focus on both excellence and equity.
  • Investor – BSP will raise and coordinate the use of philanthropic resources commensurate with the scale of the challenge.  BSP will ensure that the resources available are aligned with an effective high quality seats strategy, and are used to support the most critical strategies, tactics, and partners.  BSP will initially focus on investments in quality schools development, expanded pipelines for effective school leader and teacher talent, and stakeholder engagement.
  • Advocate – BSP will work to ensure the existence of a policy environment that supports the success of quality schools.  BSP will seek an environment where school leaders have the autonomy they need to make the best decisions for their students: where schools operate under clear performance expectations and consequences, parents are able to make informed choices for their children, and resources are equitably allocated to support the growth of what is working.

Denver Public Schools’ Board of Education has adopted the Denver Plan, an ambitious commitment to ensure that 80% of all DPS students attend schools rated blue or green on the School Performance Framework (the district’s report card on school quality as measured by a number of variables) by 2020. The Denver Plan commits the district to providing great schools in every neighborhood in the city.  Blue School Partners’ goals embrace and build on the goals already set by the district.  BSP has set an ambitious goal of creating or improving 35,000 quality school seats in Denver by 2030.

You can learn more about this opportunity and how to nominate or be considered here.

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