Student Loans, Democratic Convention Blogging, More SNS, Pensions And Politics, Dissent, Korman On Title IX, Weeby on Productivity. Plus Party News.

Over at The 74 we’re living blogging the DNC this week (you can also see RNC blogging from last week).  Here’s my take on the Dem strategy, the Dem ticket on ed, and why ed doesn’t really matter to the outcome.

Last week I took a look at the longer term ed game on the Democratic side for U.S. News.

Jason Weeby on education and productivity (with a great lede). Hailly Korman doesn’t want universities out of the sex assault investigation business.

James S. Liebman and Michael Mbikiwa on supplement not supplant in Real Clear Education.

Dissent is good!

School closures, not as bad as you’ve heard?

This Atlantic article is a good take on the student loan issue. The averages frequently bandied about create more hype than sense and the high end is not where the action is. But they also obscure the low-end where there are real problems for non-completers.

Here’s a quirky higher education loan partnership – Amazon and Wells Fargo:

“I don’t think they fully realize what they just stepped in,” says Alexander Holt, a policy analyst at New America’s education policy program. “What’s baffling to me is that Amazon cares a lot about brand reputation, loyalty and customer service. And those are three things that are not synonymous with the private student loan industry in any type of positive way.”

Politics and pension management don’t mix well.

Doug Levin on some new education rules of the road. Reuters says overseas test cheating rampant. Mistaken identity in Nashville school board race. New guidance on students with ADHD.

Second thoughts:

He does regret some aspects of the party, like the dwarfs dressed in red-white-and-blue suits carrying champagne guns. “I would probably not make that decision if I had to do it over,” he said.

Voter registration woes.

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