It’s June 7. On this date in 1982 Priscilla Presley opened Graceland up to the public. Elvis offers a lot of lessons, here’s one we might reflect on.
Mayoral control is good for me but not for thee! That seems to be the ethos in New York.
Today in why we can’t have nice things: Kevin Kosar notes that technically speaking the original ESEA in 1965 was not a civil rights law. That’s true, although the Civil Rights Act of 1964 paved the way for it and over time it’s evolved toward one in terms of making rights real – equal access to mediocre, or worse, schools is not the goal. But absent a right of action and other mechanisms it really isn’t civil rights law, strictly speaking, though it’s awfully important to creating equal opportunity for kids and the current debate about funding accountability is a piece of that. So Kevin’s piece caused a lot of people to get upset about its substance and its timing. Especially upset were some people who were noticeably quiet as what were arguably civil rights protections in ESEA from the 1994 and 2001 laws were tossed aside in the new 2015 version. In any event, obviously, you can see the direct line to improving schools from all this energy being expended debating on social media and email so there is no reason for me to explain it to you. I never thought I’d be excited to get back to arguing about who gets to be on what conference panel.
Speaking of civil rights and education we don’t talk about special education so much anymore?
And speaking of civil rights a lot of new data on what happens to students in schools released today by ED.
If accountability systems are our best vehicle for conveying urgency, advocates and community leaders must use the levers in the law to make sure that systems that have been characterized as “test and punish” don’t become “test and ignore.”
The irreplaceable Matt Barnum on a study of education politics. Obama views and education policy views conflated. I suspect you would have found much the same thing for Bush, No Child, and the Iraq War.
Here’s an interesting edujob.
Great Neerav Kingsland on philanthropic theories of reform. Tom Kane on Vergara. Bonnie O’Keefe says don’t forget the girls. Romy Drucker wonders how the LAT went from publishing teacher value-added scores to trashing Gates. Data in Dallas and parental importance. Evaluation of SEED (pdf). Also here is an evaluation of 9th-grade academies (pdf). Here’s one of the Gates intensive teacher work (pdf). Also…
This study examined whether students who read stories about the personal or intellectual struggles of famous scientists had higher science grades than students who read stories about the scientists’ achievements only.
…gets provisional good housekeep from the WWC.
In Texas they’re debating the National Honor Society insignia for graduations. Stand For Children* trying to address high school graduation in Oregon.
Hillary Clinton is talking pre-K plans. Sheila Ohlsson Walker and Bellwether’s Melissa Steel King on toxic stress, students, and public health.
Chad Aldeman on a teacher pension paradox, high costs, low benefits. I’m surprised there hasn’t been more discussion of blockchain applications in education.
Check out the wit and wisdom of Lanae Erickson Hatalsky in this Ed Post interview. EWA takes a look at the state of education journalism in this new report (pdf). Summer is expensive and stressful for a lot of families. Non-profit overhead is expensive and stressful for a lot of non-profits.
High school hedge fund managers.
Here’s a long look at the promise and challenges facing reservation schools.
An ode to pho. Why going to live events sucks. Opaque and misleading finance parallels to the education world.
*Disc – Bellwether client.
According to this report, Nationwide, 2.8 million students were suspended from public schools during the 2013-2014 school year. But black students were nearly four times as likely to be suspended as white students, and nearly twice as likely to be expelled. The same pattern showed up in preschool: Black children represented 19% of all preschoolers but accounted for 47% of those who received suspensions.
Well, as the status quo for nearly a decade, the Professional Education Reform Movement can claim credit for that.
On the one hand I am really relieved to hear the spirit of learning better . But on the other hand I am very worried . When the neglected education , the degree of each human life are abandoned .
I am concerned
interesting point of view.