You know what’s a mess? Illinois’ teacher retirement system is a mess (pdf). Chad Aldeman, Leslie Kan, and Dan Fuchs go deep on the problems – including the ones that don’t get a lot of ink in the back and forth.
Andy Smarick wonders if organized labor and Republicans can be valentines again? Maybe on a contingent basis on a few issues but it’s hard to see the modern Republican party and the national or large state and city teachers unions having a durable alliance given the non-education related political agendas of both. Also here’s a Valentine from Mike Petrilli and Checker Finn.
Speaking of teachers unions, Karen Lewis may say some outrageous things but here’s another reason not to take the Chicago teachers’ union lightly: Walk-ins are a smart strategy. Not as dramatic or disruptive as sick outs and the rest but probably more effective at garnering public opinion as a result.
Matt Ladner on DC’s achievement gap. Unemployment rates by race and ethnicity tell a different story than the overall numbers.
A new slice of charter school growth data. This headline seems a little premature. More nuance in the actual piece.
This latest Success Academy episode is understandably causing concern and outrage. But it’s hard to miss how situational everyone’s response – on all sides – is. In a different context the people calling for summary justice or due process and context would just be reversed.
I took a look at the implications of Justice Scalia’s passing for the most high-profile K-12 case on the court’s docket this session.
Good leadership is in part about making sure things can happen without you being directly involved. It’s possible, though, to take that too far.