Weeby On Governance, Wapo On NYC, More Affirmative Action Debate, Pensions: Expensive And Interesting! And More…

Jason Weeby is fired up about educational governance.

Karim Ani – Mathalicious founder – has been in Europe working with refugees and photographing. You can follow along here.

Washington Post ed board sees trouble in New York on schools: “That most of them are poor and minorities doesn’t seem to matter to those who profess to be progressive.” Ouch.

Is it better to use class or race for affirmative action? John McWhorter on Scalia and mismatch and the larger affirmative action debate.

Teacher pensions are expensive. But teacher retirement policy is much more interesting than you may have heard! (That, or Leslie Kan is an amazing blogger. Or both!)

Paralysis for reflexive Eva Moskowitz critics. Is it good or bad to have less Success Academy time? Couple of education pieces in the tax extenders bill (pdf). Teacher content knowledge.

Great list of regional music if you’re still gift shopping. Ways to die in a Shakespeare play.

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