School Finance, School Laws, School Tests, Pensions and Ed Consumerism, And Bellwether Personnel News!

New tool from GreatSchools helps parents make heads and tails of test results. CBPP helps make heads or tails of aggregate state ed finance.

Andy Calkins on the post-NCLB world. Bellwether’s Chad Aldeman has a very different take in this Washington Post op-ed.

Here’s something you didn’t hear people talking about last week: The new law means hundreds of thousands of students (who don’t have lobbyists) will lose free tutoring or public school choice.

Public pensions and hedge funds (with actual numbers not just vitriol). What’s the potential for consumerism in ed tech? Smart primer on the standing issues behind the Fisher affirmative action case.

New class of Pahara – Aspen fellows.

Personnel news: Hailly Korman is joining Bellwether in January.

Greatest call center ever?

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