Shortchanging Rural Students, BW Edujob, MCAS V. PARCC, Pennington, Anderson, Schiess, And More!

Shortchanging rural students? When you look at rural education data you often see a discrepancy. Graduation rates are higher than for other schools but post-secondary attainment for students is worse. Jenn Schiess and I decided to take a deeper look to see what’s going on. We have a paper out on the issue now, part of the ROCI work Bellwether is doing in Idaho. And here’s Jenn with a blog post about it. Bottom line: Some reasons for concern about the rigor rural kids are getting and how schools are preparing them for life.

Bellwether is hiring a communications manager. New role. Internal and external responsibilities. Scroll down this page for some other edujobs.

Charter schools are expanding. Really, charters are expanding. In some circles the sense was that as charters grew they would become less controversial. But isn’t the opposite probably true, at least for a while? Expansion means more friction points and more friction as a result. That was one takeaway from this recent charter analysis Bellwether released (pdf). Over time the controversy will fall away but more not less seems like the short term forecast.

Classroom Champions* needs a development lead. Meaningful development role in this sector with a growing and impactful non-profit.

New Education Post poll of parents about testing.  How does the PARCC Common Core assessment compare to Massachusetts well-regarded MCAS test? Mathematica takes a look. A lot more on what’s happening in MA and why it matters from Michael Jonas. This Politico story about how Common Core standards are here to stay had some people taking victory laps. But absent robust policies on support and accountability it’s unclear how much of a victory this really is. Standards are only one piece of the ballgame.

Kaitlin Pennington talks with RISE Colorado founders Millie Barsallo and Veronica PalmerCami Anderson talks Newark with The 74. Ed Week and PBS News Hour are joining forces.

Today in our ridiculous education debate: Persistently demand changes to a state teacher evaluation system, then attack the former state chief for changing it too many times. OK!

Interesting take that you see play out in our sector:

They gravitate to places where one can work joyfully, without fear of blogs, networks, consultants and shadowy minions filleting one’s every move, to places many believe more effective at creating change in today’s society than our seemingly broken political process.

*Biased. I’m on the international board.

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