This New York Times debate makes me want to put on some Duran Duran. Are we still really arguing about money this way? If I want a throwback I want it to be something like this.
Think possible: Match Beyond.
Joe Nathan with some straight talk on charter schools. Matt DiCarlo uses a lot of words to say roughly the same in a great CREDO explainer but does not say the obvious: The performance trajectory for charters is changing for the better, probably the result of multiple factors. Still plenty of problems and new ones emerging but the hard core opponents are really flat-earthers these days and CREDO, once so revered, suddenly isn’t…hmmm.
Ed schools are a wasteland? OK, too much truth to that, sadly, but some are doing cool stuff. Check out what Curry at UVA is up to with the accelerator it’s launching.
Not sure what is better click bait these days. Finnish girls! Or Common Core! Anyway, The Brookings Brown Center report is always a great read and features both and student engagement (and this year also has bonus intrigue!).
ICYMI the Senate HELP Committee put out some white papers on higher ed and asked for feedback. Great model for putting ideas out and kicking ’em around a bit. More please.
Yale School of Management’s Education Club is hosting its annual conference today in New Haven. Consistently a good event. There used to be a fun down low pizza lunch on Friday that I miss.
This Atlantic article isn’t about rural education but has some sobering rural implications.
I thought hedge fund guys were into non-profit charter schools because they were moneymakers, or at least that is what I read on Twitter, but turns out they are a default risk.
Chad Aldeman talks about the pension “crisis” – a guaranteed 100 percent crazy-free look at how the system doesn’t work for teachers.
Kevin Skenandore is an educator and the kind of fly fisherman who can dig them out when no one else is.
Peter Cunningham wants a bigger federal role in education:
Liberals need to stop complaining about the current system of accountability without offering a practical, responsible alternative. Educators ignore at their own peril the benefits of objective, verifiable proof of success. They should put blame for over-testing squarely where it belongs: on local actors trying to shirk responsibility and evade consequences for their inability to educate children at risk.
Conservatives need to stop grousing about federal overreach and acknowledge the real and measurable improvements driven in part by federal accountability: rising test scores, especially among minorities and younger students; record high school graduation and college enrollment rates; more innovation and choice in communities where it is wanted and needed; higher standards in many states.
Still plenty of problems and new ones emerging but the hard core opponents are really flat-earthers
Get on the page!!
They are like the racist birthers, as argued by the great Richard Whittier on other ed issues.