Marc Porter Magee, president and founder of 50CAN, just launched a national look at what people think about education. In this guest post he describes some of what they found. 50Can is a nonprofit organization advocating for a high-quality education for all kids.
Ever wonder if people in New England think differently about education than people in the South? The West vs. the Midwest?
We did and the result is 50CAN’s Education Roadtrip, an interactive journey through the education views of 6,400 Americans across the eight major regions of the country.
The idea for this project came out of the work we’ve done over the past three years advocating for education policies in seven different states. After running 32 legislative campaigns that have helped enact 28 state policies, we got this sense that Americans are much more united on education issues than we might have thought.
That’s why we decided to conduct this 8-region poll. We needed hard data to help us really understand both the regional nuances and the areas of national consensus.
Here are a few highlights of what we found:
Character is king
Ed reformers love to talk about economic competitiveness. And more often than not, the economy is the first thing we cite when making the case for change. But that’s thinking like a president, not a parent.
When we asked voters to cite the long-term value of education, they chose “building character” over “healthy economy” by a 2 to 1 margin.
This viewpoint does vary a bit by region. For example, twice as many people in the Midwest picked “building character” compared to the mid-Atlantic, just next door. But overall, we see that education matters to people in large part because of the kind of person it helps children become.
Trusting teachers the most
When it comes to who the public trusts to determine how best to improve our schools, no matter what region you’re in, teachers come out on top. Following closely behind this trust in teachers (78%) is trust in parents (68%) and principals (67%).
Now teachers unions aren’t shy about saying they speak for teachers. But regardless of what people think about unions or where they live, it’s clear that voters see a big difference between ordinary teachers and teachers unions, who were trusted by only 40% of voters.
If teachers are tops, which group was trusted the least? Whatever region you’re in the answer is the same: elected officials in D.C. These results underscore why it’s so important for local leaders—particularly teachers, parents and principals—to be the ones pushing for changes in our schools.
And the gold goes to …
The past two weeks we’ve been watching athletes compete for the gold in Sochi and we wondered: which states would win in an education Olympics?
When we asked voters to give states in their region gold, silver and bronze medals for their education system, they jumped at the chance. In fact, despite the deeply rooted localness of American education, most people chose to give the gold to a state other than their own.
What’s particularly exciting is the number of “gold medal” states that have distinguished themselves by enacting the groundbreaking policies. In the Midwest, gold medal winner Minnesota has been a leader on public charter schools. In the Mountain states, Colorado has distinguished itself on its teacher quality laws. In New England, Massachusetts has long championed rigorous standards. In the South, Florida has led the way on accountability systems. One big take away from these results is the tremendous power of local role models to help lead the way for change.
But don’t take my word for it. Go on the roadtrip, explore the data yourself, and then share what you think with us on Twitter and Facebook. I found the geography of American public opinion on education pretty fascinating, and I can’t wait to find out if you do, too.
I’m shocked, shocked that parents care more about character than turning their kids into widgets for the corporate economy. Join us in rejecting high stakes testing and we could get down to the real work.
Come on, isn’t it embarrassing that in the 21st century that high stakes tests still exist? Can’t we do better than sort and punish? Can’t we do better than a “test worth teaching to?” Why can’t we have tests worth teaching with, and teach constructive character traits and skills?
Testing has failed. You’ve got to know that. Join with us and build schools worthy of American democracy.
Here’s a suggestion, whenever you find yourself having to hold your nose when endorsing a policy, why not reject it? Why not focus less on sticks and more on what is good about America?
What is the true measure of a man?
According to R and his posse it is: Whatever it is you DO to a teacher.
We are told repeatedly that teacher quality is the KEY element in student learning, and we are told that student learning is the key to national security and economic growth, and opportunity.
Yet, as we know, teacher pay does not reflect its ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY position in porter’s VALUE CHAIN.
Right now, Obama has budgeted the largest increase, just behind defense, to the DOE to ensure that the BEST teachers go to the WORST students.
Again, teachers ARE THE KEY to national security and economic growth.
So, why are they paid so little, and treated so poorly?
And once again, why are teachers emblematic of “what can be done to someone” rather than what THEY can do for others.
If you want a high paying job then figure out what it is you can “do” to a teacher.
It is VERY high paying.