Win This Contest & Win A Prize – Which Education Personality Appeared On “Friends?”

It’s Friday, let’s have a contest:  First person (comment below, email, or Twitter) with the name of the education personality (clues: teacher, school leader, sometimes writer) who appeared on “Friends” back in the day wins a great prize from BW.  Video clips to come later.

Update: Guesses on Twitter include Michelle Rhee, John Legend, Eva Moskowitz, Joel Klein, John White, Richard Barth Seth Andrew, Rick Hess, and Chuck Norris. They’re all off.  So another clue: It was the rugby episode, and this person played rugby.

Update 2: More guesses on Twitter, including some plausible ones like Craig Jerald.  Here’s another clue, he’s in this scene.

Update 3: Two really good guesses were Brian Sims and Josh Edelman, both rugby playing educators. But no.  It is in fact, as Nelson Smith correctly figured out for the win, ICEF founder Mike Piscal.

3 Replies to “Win This Contest & Win A Prize – Which Education Personality Appeared On “Friends?””

  1. I think Nelson Smith beat me to the punch on Facebook, but everyone at NSVF in the early 2000s knows the answer is the one and only Mike Piscal, formerly of ICEF. Best diligence finding EVER.

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