Ideas Wanted

Got an idea that can help in Louisiana? They want your help.  And given the stalled ESEA process Alex Medler calls for charter ideas that can be enacted via waiver authority.

3 Replies to “Ideas Wanted”

  1. Yes, I have help for Louisiana. They should review the literature on education for the past fifty years and heed it. We know what contributes to a high quality education for a child and these conditions can be made available to all children. Start with pre-natal care, infant monitoring and high-quality preschool. Just those three things will make a huge difference to children who now suffer the terrible effects of poverty.

    (Clarification: Poverty or affluence do not directly affect education but the EFFECTS of poverty and affluence do.)

  2. looking 4 tech whiz to design I VOTE app. consumer request for voting app product have gone unanswered-rules to host polling site amazingly simple- designing / marketing app hardest part. revolutionize voting. we dont need a riot to pull an Arab Spring just a really good app what do u say public?

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