Plenty of back and forth about the Common Core town halls in New York. I’d seen snippets but not the entire meeting. Here’s a video of the entire forum. It doesn’t capture some of the audience comments/ or gestures, which some present described as way out of bounds. The fireworks are toward the end – you’ll learn a lot about Common Core and New York’s approach to it before that (the part about student privacy is especially interesting, it’s a legit concern and serious issue but there is clearly a lot of bad information loose about how data are shared).
Watch it and decide for yourself. My take is that much of it is par for the course with this sort of forum but the last 25 minutes or so are completely unproductive and at times off the wall. When did a conversation like this become like a sports event where you blindly have a rooting interest? This exchange about all of it at Twitter is revealing. NY Daily News ed board with a good take here. John King is about as thoughtful as they come and has launched an outstanding school. I suspect that it’s because he’s unimpeachable on all those issues, not despite it, that this has turned so venomous. It’s also not hard to see politicking about the next chancellor of the New York City schools in the immediate background.
Andy and the Daily News to parents:
Shut Up and listen to the King.
I wonder if the parents at Arlington County, VA Public schools would be spoken to in that manner?
Newsday is better:
The hateful, venomous parents are at it again:
ALBANY, N.Y. – On Thursday a forum will be held in Albany to address concerns about the states implementation of new common core standards in schools, but many parents are upset that the event is set to begin at 4 p.m.
This is a political off piece. Daily News billionaire owner is a neighbor of King’s patron fellow billionaire Meryl Tisch. They are part of the ultra rich oligarchy running NYC from a single zip code. King unimpeachable?
His resume is so light he would have a hard time finding employment TEACHING in many schools… Where is his decade of demonstrated teaching effectiveness! He is all of 38 years old and there because he can address a demographic that Zuckerberg and Tish can not. That said, they failed to predict that the outrage and backlash would come from are like upsatae and Long Island, WHITE areas of influential folks who he can’t talk down to, look what happened when he tried! He lectures and when folks disagree he. Says we just don’t understand.. YES WE DO UNDERSTAND and HATE THE COMMON CORE. Let’s give control of schools back to local school boards, because these folks don’t care about our kids. They don’t use public schools and only seek to control them for their own interests. Meryl Tisch supported Cathie Black and David Steiner’s waivers… She rolls in Bloombucks circles of upper east side billionaires like they do, thus they must all be very qualified for a waiver… And what did Tisch ever do in education? She taught in yeshiva for a year before marrying into the fortune.
More rubbish from Dame Tisch:
Nor does it meet it for Andy.
Unless it was to be directed to parents of students in Arlington County, VA Public Schools.
And Tisch is such an expert because???? Which public schools did her children attend?
Didn’t you guys read? He’s unimpeachable. So just stop criticizing him and get on board.
The thoughtful Dr. King:
I messed up, but I am not fixing ny mistakes.
Or King The Jackass.
needless to say, this would not be tolerated by parents at Bar_Croft ES in Virginia.
King , George III channeled:
NYSED Commissioner John King, who famously said the parents at a Poughkeepsie forum were “special interests” brought to the meeting to disrupt the festivities, told Jessica Bakeman at Capital NY these Student Firsters and other pro-CCSS reformers using the printed up talking points were “not special interests”:
Why does the Professional Education Reform Crowd lie?
Rhee, Hednerson, Klein, Bloomberg, Cerf, King, Tisch, Gates et al.