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Smart List: 60 People Shaping the Future of K-12 Education
To my knowledge, this is the first case where the parents themselves organized for a change and were not influenced by a charter company. It’s extremely significant that they have chosen to keep all the teachers.
When parents truly have a say, they almost always support the people who choose to be with their children each day. Another good aspect is the fact that the school will not be in the hands of privatizers who will try to siphon school tax money into private pockets.
Once these parents take over, they will likely work with teachers to choose a head teacher or principal who will serve at their pleasure. Teachers and parents in charge of a school – now that’s the kind of reform I can live with!
California teachers might not realize that they too can apply the trigger law. If 50% of a faculty vote to turn their school into a charter, they can do it. And I hope each school in Los Angeles Unified votes to become independent of the district. It’s time for parents and teachers to be in charge. Wouldn’t that be a hoot!
Parent Revolution helped these parents, just as it helped Adelanto and 24th St. Elementary parents.
The L.A. Times, which has long given Parent Revolution coverage that ranged from mild to fawning, has suddenly discovered its inner journalist. Yes, this may indeed change the debate.
Yes, this is great news. Thanks to you, Caroline, for exposing the rampant fraud behind many, if not most, of these charter schools. At last, the press and the public are catching on. My guess is that we’ll be seeing changes in the very near future.