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Smart List: 60 People Shaping the Future of K-12 Education
If these are the best defenses being offered for Michelle Rhee, she’s toast.
Shorter EduWonk, EdExcellence, and EdWeek response to Rhee disclosure: “Sssshhhhhhh.”
Whether Rhee is indicted or not, “everyone” now knows that her “reforms,” like those of Beverly Hall, are based on “lies, damned lies and statistics.”
True education reform can only be delivered by the people willing to be with the children each day. And the American people know this.
More eduirony.
Another hypocrite on testing:
NY Chancellor Merryl Tisch: Another Reformy Hypocrite
The Ramaz School:
Now, you might think that Chancellor Tisch is a massive, screaming, unbelievable hypocrite for attending a private school that emphasizes the joy of learning and deemphasizes the importance of testing – all while pretending she can empathize with the children and families who suffer under her test-crazed cruelty.
And Andrew accuses teacher unions of protecting child abusers.
And again, Michelle Rhee is caught lying.
But Andrew just can’t admit that.
Jay Mathews can.
I wonder why Mr. Rotherham thinks it is OK to lie.
Is Mr. Rotherham receiving money from Michelle or Campbell?
I think it’s much too dismissive to say John Merrow has an “Ahab-like” obsession with Michelle Rhee. It’s true that he did about dozen segments on her for the PBS Newshour during her tenure, but that’s over 4 years or so. But I’ve actually found his coverage very measured and balance. It was only with the surfacing of this particular memo, that he has become harshly critical of Rhee. And frankly she deserves to be criticized and asked tough questions about her handling of this situation.
The words of Michelle Rhee:
Jesus walks among us again. Hallelujah!
What about Woodward and Bernstein investigating Watergate — were they “Ahab-like too?
There are many examples in history and journalism of people doggedly seeking the truth.
Unfortunately, there are many examples of journalism used to obfuscate the truth, and this Eduwonk article is one of them.
Maybe, Mr. Rotherham, just maybe… there are people in AFT who genuinely care about teaching as a profession and want all children to get a quality education. And they see covering up this cheating the way doctors might see covering up evidence of infections that occurred at the hospital: errors to be exposed and cleaned up.
The worst thing here is not that some teachers unfairly made off with bonuses. It is that deserving children with real needs had those needs covered up and ignored.
Patterson, don’t confuse Rotherham with nuance. Unions bad. Reformers good.
Sanford’s long-buried memo raises the possibility that PRINCIPALS might have been responsible for the WTR erasures. Randi wasn’t attacking teachers. Any investigator worth his or her salt knows that so many erasures require collusion. In classrooms, that would be teacher and proctor, and that would require many classrooms being involved. Much more likely, it seems to me, that an administrator would have arranged things. And, as we know, their jobs were on the line in 2008.
Due process Andy?
Unlike what they get from you and Campbell Brown who label them defenders of child abusers.
More from Captain Ahab:
The truth about Captain Ahab: