Education Insiders On Digital Learning, Common Core Assessments And Implementation, MOOCs And More!

Some new survey data out today from the Whiteboard Education Insiders survey (pdf).  Includes: For the first time wrong track numbers for both assessment consortia are over 50 percent, Insiders may like digital learning but they see a lot of over-promising and big bandwidth problems ahead.

2 Replies to “Education Insiders On Digital Learning, Common Core Assessments And Implementation, MOOCs And More!”

  1. “Insiders may like digital learning but they see a lot of over-promising and big bandwidth problems ahead.

    You think? And the digital divide is more than just access–it’s also about how to render a universal interface user-friendly. Do these folks who dream up this stuff live in bubbles?

  2. The possibilities for technology to affect education are vast. Blended learning-that is learning in the traditional sense of the brick-and-mortar university mixed with online learning is already showing its benefits. A big player in this area in Europe is These MOOC providers work with pedagogy experts to provide an interactive and engaging learning experience, along with peer to peer learning (which in my view is hugely important). Sure, with online only courses you are not in the same physical classroom as the lecturer-but these norms and expectations are changing by the day.

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