USAT takes a look at summer burn camps. Great read as summer wraps up. These camps provide a wonderful opportunity for kids who are burn survivors. The one it highlights is by coincidence the one I worked at – very powerful experience.
The Democratic national platform is out now. Education starts on page 36. The section on teacher evaluation shows the delicate intraparty politics that persist around education (Ed Week calls it tip-toeing):
We also believe in carefully crafted evaluation systems that give struggling teachers a chance to succeed and protect due process if another teacher has to be put in the classroom.
One might ask – and people are – why not just say Democrats are committed to making sure an outstanding teacher is in front of every classroom and that every student has access to great instruction? Hard to argue with and better aligned with where people are. Obviously evaluation systems should be fair, but that’s a policy and implementation point, not a political one. And the issue is broader than teachers, it’s about quality instruction.
On October 14, Acumen is again hosting their Race for the Cause. It’s an 8K race/walk or a 1 mile fun-run, great course in Arlington, VA, with proceeds benefiting a host of worthy organizations. With an 8am start you can do it and then have the rest of your day. I hope that in particular you’ll take a look at Education Pioneers and consider supporting them by registering for the run/walk in their name. Organizations with the most runners get bonus financial support from Acumen so even if you’re not going to run or walk please consider registering.
Mike Petrilli defends Virginia – but I’m not sure he saw this post.
“why not just say Democrats are committed to making sure an outstanding teacher is in front of every classroom and that every student has access to great instruction?”
Because it’s an empty platitude and a dog whistle to Rhee-like reformers who would eviscerate unions?
What do I win?
I see StudentsFirst doesn’t like parents who disagree with them and rescind movie invitations.
Classy, Michelle.