An Ed Politics Hat Trick, And Edujobs

From the WSJCommon Core, shaken or stirred? Significant politics there. And NYT checks in on CT outcomes.  You can go home again! Joe Williams takes on the UFT in the Daily News.

It got even harder to get anything done in Washington last night.

Students First is looking for Teacher Fellows. Deadline is 5/23.

2 Replies to “An Ed Politics Hat Trick, And Edujobs”

  1. Meanwhile, from those who on a daily basis educate the children of this country, we have this:

    MON MAY 07, 2012 AT 04:56 PM PDT
    The War on Public Education and What Progressives Can Do to Stop It
    is the title of the educational panel I will be leading on Friday morning, June 8, at Netroots Nation in Providence.

    Here’s the blurb on the panel:

    American public education is under concerted attack: Americans are told we are failing in international comparisons, urged to blame teachers and break their unions, turn more of our public education system over to private interests, rely ever more upon tests to make critical decision. These and other tactics are designed to delegitimize and ultimately destroy meaningful Public Education. Three nationally-known experts explore aspects of that attack and offer specific suggestions of how Progressive supporters of Public Education can fight back.

    There has been a slight change in the makeup of the panel since it was proposed, but I am still excited by the two who will be joining me
    Dr. John Jackson of the Schott Foundation

    Diane Ravitch, who at this point should need no introduction.

    And yes, I did say 3 nationally known experts. Then there’s this guy.

    Perhaps you can consider this one more reason to come to Netroots Nation.

    I will arrive Wednesday evening, and look forward to seeing many of you, especially for this panel.


  2. This discussion can only be valid if the following hypothesis is part of the debate:

    1.To accurately measure the success of public education as an effective model, tenure must be removed and and pensions cannot be guaranteed by the taxpayer’s checkbook.

    2.Teacher accountability based on student success can only be an effective measure if all schools are self-selecting.

    3.The current funding model based on ADA must be radically overhauled. If not, administrators will always have the ethical battle between keeping a low performing and/or disruptive student in class to keep the ADA funding instead of removing the student.

    4. Public education needs to be a privilege and not a guarantee.

    5. Bring back the career technical education pathway as alternate choice to a purely academic pathway.

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