NFL @ HGSE, Leading Educators, Tennessee Transparency?

My first, and realistically only, mention in NFL Notes.  Why?  Because the NFL is coming to HGSE today. If you’re in Boston come on by.

You knew this was coming, should teacher evaluations be kept private?  Not value-add data in the newspaper but complete evaluations. That’s on the table in Tennessee with a bill that seems a little patronizing to school administrators.

This analysis from MDRC gets at the issue of “under-matching,” a problem that affects low-income students in their college choices.

Leading Educators gets a big write-up in NOLA.

One Reply to “NFL @ HGSE, Leading Educators, Tennessee Transparency?”

  1. Also in Tennessee:
    TN bill would limit number of foreign workers at charter schools
    Same group pressing for hiring cap last year pushed for the ‘Shariah bill’

    The measure, Senate Bill 3345, says chartering authorities may not approve schools that plan to have more than 3.5 percent of their staff made up of legal immigrants with visa work permits. The bill also calls on authorities to revoke schools’ charters later if they exceed the cap, and it requires schools to disclose the source of all donations from overseas.

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