Smarter Santorum

I see college as a great economic mobility strategy – the data are clear about the value for low-income Americans but I do worry that some of the rhetoric devalues all the productive and useful ways one can earn a living with other post-secondary training.

If you want a smart critique of the college-for-all emphasis jump in the wayback machine, set it to 2010, and read this commentary by Chris Myers Asch in AFT’s American Educator.

3 Replies to “Smarter Santorum”

  1. Math and science are worthy college topics.

    English, journalism and most of the social sciences, put education in that list, or questionable at best.

    Universities cannot show much of any value added to their students in these disciplines. We are cramming the ranks of the wonks, consultants, and administrators with stuffed shirts.

    We need smarter, harder working people. Frankly, if after a long day in the lab I leave my students behind to continue, and as I walk home I see the liberal arts people totally wasted and naked and walking around, one has to really wonder.

    And these oafs are now attempting to run the show.

    Do we need the ranks of the uneducated running math and science?

  2. if you have F2p hosting space, what happens when they’re buying the subscription? they’d still be jammed in F2p servers since you cant just world wish. there will be any unfair advantage then in those servers and individuals will complain. so then no one need to play on those servers even though the lower leveled/F2p players can be ganked by higher equalized charactors. and adding servers actually is expensive so if not enough people play on them, its a loss of cash for blizz and as a business, that’s a poor changeover.

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