3x Jobs For The Future And 3x Edujobs

Jobs For The Future may not be a household name but is a great organization doing important work.  They are releasing three new papers worth checking out.

Apply now for data fellowships via Harvard!  Great program

Broad Foundation is hiring a senior director and an assistant director.

And structured internships at Students First.

4 Replies to “3x Jobs For The Future And 3x Edujobs”

  1. Do you want to make money from education but can’t stand the sight of a child? Get an “edujob.” Good salaries, challenging work, but you don’t need to teach a soul under the age of 18.

  2. Thanks. Is there anything that speaks more loudly about the true purpose of educational “reform” than this blog?!!!

  3. Now Linda. You know very well that Andy likes teachers; look how nice he is to TFA.

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