Tim Daly & Kati Haycock On New York Teacher Evaluation, School Report Cards, Small Schools, And An Edujob

Shots fired! Tim Daly and Kati Haycock in NY Daily News calling for a new teacher evaluation law in New York – with a trigger for action – and clearly asking for more from Governor Cuomo.  Important op-ed given the role TNTP and Ed Trust play.

Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson’s school report card idea juxtaposed against report cards more generally in this Sac Bee editorial.

Here’s more on the MDRC small schools study.

Public Charter School Board in DC is looking for a communications director.

One Reply to “Tim Daly & Kati Haycock On New York Teacher Evaluation, School Report Cards, Small Schools, And An Edujob”

  1. Such reduction of information like that proposed by Kevin Johnson, and practiced elsewhere, encourages a thoughtless approach to school evaluation. By contrast, the OECD has an interesting report, “Assessment and Innovation in Education”, that summarizes the state of the art in school reporting around the world. Among the systems described, I think Scotland’s the best, and it can be viewed by googling “Scottish Schools Online”. For example, if you enter “George Heriot’s School” (a particularly distinguished, ancient school in Edinburgh), you instantly find it mapped, its contact information, its pupil and teacher numbers (so a ratio can quickly be calculated), inspection report, exam results, and leaver destinations, among other information.

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