Reading And Good Reading

Later this month what promises to be a good event on literacy at AEI*, some thorny issues and should be fun conversation.

And from ES a new report by Craig Jerald on how the school inspection process in the UK works and possible strategies to make it work here.  I find the US parallels – eg accreditation – less than convincing but it’s a smart look at a method that does have some implications for accountability here in the United States.

*By which I mean a discussion about literacy issues being held at AEI.

One Reply to “Reading And Good Reading”

  1. OFSTED in the United States— For one look at OFSTED at work in the UK and its challenges to a long standing progressive education site, consider their approach to and attempts to close down Summerhill. This was portrayed with great humor and drama in the BBC mini-series-SUMMERHILL. (The series can be found somewhere online–)

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