Stand For Children Video

No, not that one.  Check out this new video with several of the organization’s leaders talking about the challenges and the work that Stand for Children does. Lost in the hoopla about Illinois was a sense of the depth and breadth of Stand for Children*, what they’ve accomplished across a host of states, and how they’re an important part of this growing mosaic of state education advocacy groups.

Stand for Children – Our Students Deserve Better from Stand for Children on Vimeo.

*Bellwether consults for Stand.

One Reply to “Stand For Children Video”

  1. We need reform, but we have NO clue how to do it.

    We have no idea how to attract the kind of math and science talent we need.

    We refuse to allow teachers to respond to incentives.

    We believe we can find intelligent adults who love our children so much that they will work their entire lives for free.

    The entire education debate is foolish and violates the basic tenets of everything that is human.

    As humans we like to collect stuff (property). We wish to be secure (fed and healthy). And we wish to have our freedom (hunt and gather where we like).

    The entire edu-reform movement somehow treats teachers like blocks to be plugged in to square holes.

    It is weird. All of these people strutting around with huge titles and pay, spouting encomiums about how someone else should do such great things for the greater good of someone else.

    Hell, even the nuns won’t do that.

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