School Of Thought: Two Low-Key Studies, Big Implications

This week’s School of Thought column at TIME takes a look at two recent teacher studies that didn’t get a lot of attention and some larger implications.

Teacher effectiveness matters more to student learning than anything else schools do, and there are substantial differences between teachers. Those two points often get lost in the din about teachers unions or tenure. Underneath all that noise, however, researchers are quietly looking at teacher quality. Two new studies that didn’t get a lot of attention challenge beliefs of reformers, teachers unions, and reform critics.

Read the entire column here.

3 Replies to “School Of Thought: Two Low-Key Studies, Big Implications”

  1. Teacher quality displays a significant role on student achievement. I truly believe that qualified teachers make a huge impact on student learning at all levels, but in order to keep teachers motivated to continue to promote student achievement, teachers must be provided with the appropriate teaching tools needed to influence productivity and most of all higher salaries.
    Low teacher salaries affect teacher quality.

  2. I have to concur with that of which A. Duncan stated. Qualified teachers do have a tremendous impact on a student’s education. In providing educators with the necessary tools that will aid them in becoming better educators is advantageous to students as well as the school itself. Teachers do need motivation and training, followed by better pay. However, in many or most cases, when teachers are paid at a lower salary, then unfortunately their performance equals that of the quality of education that they provide to students.

  3. I too agree with A. Duncan statement, ” Teacher quality displays a significant role on student achievement.” Teachers strongly influence student learning. Student achievement gains are much more influenced by a student’s assigned teacher than other factors such as class size and composition. In order to provide adequate learning that would empower students’ learning, teachers must be provided the necessary materials and payed their worth. Greatly, teachers experiences and attributes contribute to this effect. Thus, they are students care providers outside the home. This alone should be taken into great consideration.

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