David Broder

David Broder died today.  A lot of deservedly nice things being written about his life and his career (and don’t miss Carl Cannon’s take). Two I’ll add.  Broder was one of the first in the national press corps to get the changes starting to happen around education politics in the later part of the 1990s and to recognize what that would mean for states and for national education policy.  That’s probably because he spent a lot of time actually reporting.  Although he didn’t write about education often in recent years he kept an eye on what was going on and was current when you saw him.

He was also incredibly generous with his time and a fundamentally decent person.  He was great to me early in my career when he had no reason to be.

One Reply to “David Broder”

  1. People that are great to others when they have no reason to be. That is what keeps this world tolerable–a moral majority let’s hope. I’ll bet you’re you are that kind of person as well.

    I’ve been working in education supplying one curriculum for 15 years. Players work to keep fossil eggs spinning with a round board. With the planet being a spinning egg shaped object and each of us originating as an egg there has never been a better time to get people together with this challenge…
    Not only a great team builder we are in over 300 science classrooms. Hands on science is the key to really grasping physical principles. I read your blog and sent a link to TEP school. If you have any leads or ideas as to how I might further this important work please let me know.

    Sorry about your friend.

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