In The News

New York Times writes-up the life of David Kearns who passed away yesterday. But while the article talks a lot about his specific education work, it doesn’t mention what may be his most enduring legacy:  People he mentored or helped grow at places like New American Schools are now all over the education world, on both sides of the aisle, and in a variety of roles.

Also, good local round-up of where things stand in Wisconsin and a good look at the polls on all this.   Again with some evidence that Scott Walker is hurting not helping education reform by turning this into a referendum on collective bargaining.

2 Replies to “In The News”

  1. As an interested observer, Andy, I don’t get a sense that Governor Walker’s gives a whit about education reform. My guess is the only things he’ll push is blowing open the Milwaukee voucher program (look for the “cost savings” argument as part of it) and expanding charters, not contingent upon quality.

    I penned this blog post back in December, offering a hopeful view of potential leadership from the new class of Republican governors. To date, Walker hasn’t displayed a collaborative bone in his body. He’s more the divide and conquer type.

  2. Collective bargaining is essentially a state granted monopoly. We’ve seen that monopolies are bad in education, they stymie the reform process in all sorts of ways. If teachers are allowed to join only one union, and that one union alone is supposed to represent their “collective” voice, that creates problems when you have a large diversity in a set of teachers – old, young, urban schools, suburban schools.

    Ending a collective bargaining provision at the state level is not ending an association or a group of people’s right to strike or not show up at school if working conditions or salaries are terrible. People think ending a collective bargaining provision is like taking away your 1st Amendment right or worse. It’s quite different.

    So in a sense, if Gov. Walker didn’t mean to, I think this is a step in the right direction for education reform as it allows teachers more free choice (and potentially greater earnings with lower dues to the association of their choice and not the one official legislated monopoly).

    Mayor Bloomberg has some good thoughts on this:

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